
Name: Nuuausala Theresa Velghe

DOB: November 6, 1987

Elementary: She started in Pavaiai, then transferred to St. Theresa Elem., where she met Cierra. She then moved to Happy Valley and returned to St. Theresa afterwards, where she graduated.

High School: Fa'asao-Marist High Sch.

College: She plans to go to Alaska

Mom: Anina Velghe

Dad: Jose Velghe


Sala likes to sleep a lot. She's not lazy though. She plays sports like softball and basketball. At home, she likes to listen to music, particularly rap, and plays nintendo as much as she can.

Favorite Food: Anything

Favorite Color: All colors that stand out

Favorite Quote: Take the road less travelled...

Village: Mapusaga